The New Yorkers Brings Me Back

The New YorkersYesterday Carley and I spent a good amount of time wandering around Barnes and Noble for no reason. Don’t worry this isn’t really another blog post about how much I love bookstores… though that was definitely discussed.

Instead it’s about a book that caught my eye at the store. More specifically, it’s about the book The New Yorkers by Cathleen Schine.

Flash back three and a half years when I told my mom that I was jealous of everyone who lived within driving distance to Northwestern. Packing for a new school year was so much easier for them since they could just fill the car to capacity while I had to fit everything into two suitcases. Tough life, eh? So my mom suggested we road trip to Chicago my senior year. I figured, why not? Then I realized it would take 20 some odd hours translating to just over two days in the car. But my mom’s enthusiasm didn’t fade so I got on board with the plan.

In preparation for the trip, I decided to buy my mom an audiobook for us to listen to for all those hours. I picked The New Yorkers because the cover caught my eye and it is about New York and dogs, both things my mom liked. In the end, it was not our favorite story, but it did keep us entertained for a while. And now, seeing it in the story, brings back the fond memories of that trip and the multiple Cracker Barrels we ate in and the crazy weather we drove through and just being with my mom. So thanks for that The New Yorkers.

2 responses to “The New Yorkers Brings Me Back

  1. i like this post…i remember that trip, because i couldn’t go, but really wanted to! i should get this book for steve…new yorkers and dogs!

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